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International Women's Day Event RECORDING AVAILABLE

14 Mar 2022 4:13 PM | Anonymous

Please find the recording of our 2022 International Women's Day event HERE.  

Irene Butter spent a part of her childhood in Nazi-controlled concentration camps, where she survived horrible conditions and tragedies. She tells her story on behalf of the six million other Jews who have been permanently silenced. Irene's account celebrates the exercising of empathy for others in even the most inhumane conditions, a relevant message in an age where similar hatreds and discrimination rise once again. Irene has shared the stage with peacemakers such as the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, and Elie Wiesel. She is a well-known peace activist, Holocaust survivor, and Professor Emerita of Public Health at the University of Michigan. Her award-winning memoir "Shores Beyond Shores, from Holocaust to Hope" is translated into five languages and available where all fine books are sold.

This conversation was hosted on International Women's Day 2022 and was hosted by NAFSA's Women in Leadership Member Interest Group and the Global Leadership League.


Our members come from different backgrounds, abilities, levels of experience, and parts of the world. Our goal is to embrace this diversity and encourage relationships across generations and experience levels for the benefit of all involved. 

The Global Leadership League was started by a group of women in the field of international education for the purposes of advancing women’s leadership skills, knowledge, and connections.


Our Mission

The mission of the Global Leadership League is to ignite change across the global education field by empowering, connecting, and training leaders.  Become a Member