This event will be live at 9:30am Brisbane Australia timezone. Please convert to your timezone. League members can access recordings and takeaway information at all times in the member portal.
The League ChatBox is a new program offered online for small groups to engage and discuss important issues. Get answers, share ideas, learn together.
We know that careers tend to occur serendipitously. In the last six months, we have seen a significant change in the world of work, especially in international education. So how can we engage with planned happenstance; that is constructing careers through opportunities? How can we make a plan when it feels so hard to make any plans, or if we have never really planned our career paths?
Facilitator: Dr. Amanda Daly
Program Director BBus; BBus (Hons)
Griffith Business School, Griffith University

Amanda Daly is the Program Director for the largest suite of undergraduate business programs in the Business School at Griffith University. Over the last 20 years, through planned happenstance, she has established herself as a passionate international education researcher and educator, collaborating with others to enhance the student experience. Her commitment to quality in higher education is recognised through Senior Fellowship with the Higher Education Academy. Amanda’s work focuses on international education, global citizenship & intercultural inclusion and student engagement, retention & success.
League Co-Host Dawn Hewitt
Director, Global Connection Asia Pacific, The Global Leadership League
Director and founder, The International Group

With more than 20 years of experience, Dawn is passionate about the transformative possibilities that global learning offers. Throughout her career, she has made a contribution to the intellectual discourse on the internationalisation of higher education through research, publications and presentations at major conferences and forums. Dawn has worked in the international offices of RMIT University, La Trobe University, and Macquarie University and for not for profit organisations - The Institute for Study Abroad, Butler University (IFSA-Butler) and the International Student Exchange Programs (ISEP).