Please adjust your time zone, this program is held at 2PM CET (Central European Timezone)
Gen Z Unlocked: Strategies for Managing the New Workforce
Have generational attitudes changed? Or has Covid and AI thrust change upon us? What is it like to start your career in this moment? How can managers recognize sea changes in values and attitudes within our future leaders? Come join the Global Leadership League and Executive Vice President of Talent and Development at EF Education First, Sara Dahlstrom, for insights into Gen Z and a collaborative discussion on engagement and leadership strategies to win the future.

Guest Speaker: Sara Dahlstrom Samson - Senior Vice President EF Education Zürich
Sara Dahlstrom Samson is a Swedish citizen living in Switzerland, she has a Dutch husband and two teenage children. Sara lives in Zurich, Switzerland but has previously lived in Sweden, Holland, Spain and US. She speaks 5 languages, in a range from mother tongue to “not so good”. She works for EF Education First as Senior Vice President, Recruitment and Employee Development. Sara started her career there in the year 2000 and has worked in various divisions, countries and functions. At EF Education First, we believe that the world is better when people try to understand one another. Since 1965, EF has helped millions of people see new places, experience new cultures, and learn new things about the world and about themselves. With a workforce
that consists of many Gen Z staff, Sara and the teams at EF has gained experience over the last years in this topic.

Eleonora Marasca started off her career working in sales for private companies in various sectors in Italy. She then decided to pivot her career toward a focus in Education, teaching at a High School in Italy. She relocated to the US in 2022 and continued along this path, working as an Office Assistant for a Study Abroad Company in Boston. She holds a Master’s degree in Modern Languages for International Communication and Cooperation from the University of Macerata, Italy. Her passion for International Education started during her study abroad program where she lived and studied in Germany. She brings firsthand experience of working in both European and American settings, navigating cultural differences and intercultural communication challenges.

Deborah Knaust has served as Dean of Student Life and Engagement at Franklin University Switzerland since 2015. Franklin is located in the Italian part of Switzerland and has 50% of students from around the world and 50% of students from North America. Deborah serves on the President’s Cabinet for institutional planning, decision-making, and strategy. Prior to moving to Switzerland, she worked with international students and scholars and Study Abroad programs at U.S. institutions. She strives to infuse intercultural learning into her work and was recently asked to develop the Career Readiness efforts for her institution. With international living experiences in Bulgaria, Japan, Switzerland, and the USA, Deborah is excited to connect with GLL members for meaningful growth and networking opportunities.