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The Global Leadership League is an innovative, safe space to grow and develop your leadership skills. Our enthusiastic team of volunteers have created various programs to help you grow your network and advance your knowledge.

  • 20 Aug 2020 5:34 PM | Anonymous

    With so much of our day-to-day lives now occurring online, lots of difficult conversations are having to be had with this added layer of complexity. So, how do you navigate it all?

    See this article from Inc. 

    Source: Getty Images

  • 12 Aug 2020 12:52 PM | Anonymous

    Have you had a chance to read our recent blog, 'The League Team Talks Leadership'?

    If you haven't, take a few moments and enjoy this piece from our board members and volunteers. Their answers offered great insights and varied just as much as all the wonderful individuals that shared them with us. Enjoy! 

    Read the blog here

  • 28 Jul 2020 12:47 PM | Anonymous

    You definitely don’t want to be a mediocre leader but do you know how to avoid it? This article offers great insight in how to stay the leadership course.

    In today’s complex world, leaders are being asked to step up in dynamic and unexpected ways.

    Unfortunately, many of them are not equipped with the tools they need to lead under pressure. As a result, they fail to serve themselves and their employees effectively, and put the future of their entire organization at risk.

    The Behaviors That Result in Mediocre Leadership

    Today’s infographic from Vince Molinaro’s Accountable Leaders reveals the common behaviors that can result in leaders becoming mediocre due to mounting day-to-day pressures.

    CLICK HERE to continue reading this article by the Visual Capitalist.

  • 07 Jul 2020 3:23 PM | Anonymous

    Have we been underestimating humility as a key trait in leadership?

    It’s more than two millennia since the philosopher Socrates argued that humility is the greatest of all virtues. His timeless observation was that the wisest people are the first to admit how little they really know.

    Science has been slow to catch up to this argument, but the last decade has offered a spate of new studies examining this trait and its effects on our thinking and reasoning. According to this research, people with greater humility are better learners, decision-makers and problem solvers. One study even found that someone’s humility could trump actual IQ in predicting their performance.

    The latest findings suggest that the trait is especially important for leaders, with evidence that displays of humility can improve strategic thinking and boost the performance of colleagues across an organisation.

    CLICK HERE to continue reading this article by the BBC.

  • 29 Jun 2020 12:34 PM | Anonymous

    Congratulations to the PIEoneer Awards 2020 finalists! There are so many wonderful organizations and institutions included in this list. 

    The PIEoneer Awards are the only global awards that celebrate innovation and achievement across the whole of the international education industry. 

    With a distinguished judging panel representing geographical and professional diversity, The PIEoneer Awards recognize both individuals and organizations who are pushing professional standards, evolving their engagement, or redefining the international student experience.  

    Due to ongoing restrictions on travel and networking, we can confirm that this September, The PIEoneer Awards will take place in a virtual format offering an online event of celebration and networking. This is the fourth year the awards have run. 

    See the finalists for 2020 here.

  • 05 Jun 2020 12:00 PM | Anonymous

    From our advocate and volunteer, Malaika Serrano of Worldstrides/ISA:

    Dear @GlobalLeadershipLeague members and advocates:

    Like so many of you, I am heartbroken, outraged, and traumatized by the repeated acts of violence against unarmed Black men and women. And yet everyday, I get up, check on my children and start another work day...on the outside, I may look calm and collected but honestly, I'm emotionally exhausted.

    This timely and thought-provoking read by McKinsey and Co. on why "Diversity Still Matters" underscores why organizations cannot turn their backs on diversity, equity and inclusion.

    As an equity-minded practitioner, the central messages of the article ring true and align with our work - ignite change across the global education field by empowering, connecting, and training leaders, who actively create spaces for inclusion and belonging in the workplace.

    We warmly welcome your feedback and reflections.

    With love,
    Malaika Serrano

  • 28 May 2020 1:12 PM | Cynthia Banks (Administrator)

    We loved hanging out with all of you for a fun and engaging 30 minutes online!   Here is the amazing list of great book recommendations from event attendees.  Also, congrats to the book raffle winners from each Hob Nob -they each won an Amazon Gift Card to apply to a book of their choice! HobNobSummerReadingList.pdf

  • 10 Jun 2019 10:22 PM | Anonymous

    Our 2019 Signature Event in Washington DC was a sell-out success!  Guest enjoyed networking, food & drink, and our book raffle selected & donated by the event sponsors.  This year, The Global Leadership League brought a second copy of the books for twice the fun!   

    Thanks to our sponsors:

    CAPA The Global Education Network, ISA International Studies Abroad, Terra Dotta Software, CET Academic Programs, DIS- Study Abroad in Scandinavia, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, CIEE, ISEP Study Abroad,  CIS Abroad, Global Experiences, API Academic Programs International

    Add to your summer reading list!

    Becoming by Michelle Obama

    Dare to Lead by Brene Brown

    Do you know Pippi Longstocking? by Astrid Lindgren

    Feminist Fight Club by Jessica Bennett

    In the Company of Women by Grace Bonney

    On the Edge: Leadership Lessons from Mount Everest by Alison Levine

    Presence: The Missing Link Between Merit and Success by Sylvia Ann Hewlett

    Radical Candor by Kim Scott

    Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire by Simon Sinek

    The Happiness Advantage Shawn Anchor

    The Moment of Lift by Melinda Gates

    The Power of Positive Leadership: How and Why Positive Leaders Transform Teams and Organizations and Change the World by Jon Gordon

    Wolfpack by Abby Wambach

  • 18 Apr 2018 10:20 PM | Anonymous

    Mark Lenhart, 
    CET's Executive Director shares:

    Why did your organization want to be involved in the Global Leadership League? 

    We support the mission. We recognize that women still face barriers in our field, and we want to help the League create a space where strategies and solutions can be discussed. We also think the League’s unique approach to mentorship will be great for CET’s staff—we want the women who work at CET to have the chance to engage with women from other organizations.

    As a leader at CET, I want to support the League so that I can develop a deeper understanding of the barriers women face.  I’m in a position to create change and perhaps remove some of these barriers, at least at CET. So I want to engage in the discussion and learn ways I can be a part of the solution.  

    What inspires you in your work? 

    My standard answer has always been our students-- they are fearless in their approach to learning, and you can't help but be optimistic about the future when you spend time with them.

    More recently, I have also been inspired by our staff. In my generation, most people sort of fell into study abroad because of parallel interests or career goals. I'm excited to see employees arrive at CET with a clear commitment to our mission. They figured out early that they want to pursue a career in study abroad, and they are now making it happen.

    My own priorities have broadened so that I'm not just interested in creating quality study abroad programs, I'm also interested in creating great jobs and a supportive office culture. I know that these goals are linked: it's easier to do the first when you've accomplished the second.

    Who has been a professional mentor for you and how did they influence you? 

    My boss and business partner, Kate Simpson, has been my mentor since CET became a part of Academic Travel Abroad in 1995. Kate exemplifies the best leadership qualities: she is empathetic and caring, but direct and honest when it comes to making tough business decisions. She is also passionate about our mission, and she works tirelessly to help us achieve our goals. One of the qualities I love about Kate is that she always strives to do the right thing—she demonstrates real integrity. I think that’s so important today: we all want to look up to our leaders and know that they are putting the interests of our students, partners, or teams above their self-interests. I’d like to think I’ve internalized many of Kate’s leadership qualities, and after so many years of working together, we can practically complete each other’s sentences.

    Which professional development experience/s have been most important to you in your career?

    I am so grateful for the opportunities I’ve had to travel internationally with partners and colleagues, usually on site visits or to attend international conferences. Traveling on my own is great, of course. But with a traveling companion, you tend to see things differently—through their eyes—and you learn more. There’s something special about sharing the experience, even if that experience includes getting stuck in airports or eating bad food together. In fact, these moments are when we really get to know one another, and talk. Traveling with colleagues gives me the chance to hear about the challenges they face in their jobs, and I always come home feeling more connected to them, and better prepared to face my own challenges.  

    What excites you most about the future of this field?

    Many things in our field are changing at once. There are new pressures to measure outcomes and make sure study abroad is a worthy investment. Traditional program models are giving way to more innovative models. Technology is making it easier for students to remain connected to their home campuses and faculty. Partnerships are becoming more innovative. And the study abroad population is changing, with more diverse students bringing a wider range of expectations to their programs. What excites me about all this change is that it forces us all to be more intentional and transparent about what we’re doing. In a way, we’re all held to a higher standard than ever before, and that’s good! I’m excited to think about how our programs will improve in the future.

  • 18 Apr 2018 10:19 PM | Anonymous

    Samantha Cameron,
    Global Partnership Manager at The Intern Group shares:

    Why did your organization want to be involved in the Global Leadership League?

    It seemed like a natural fit based on the sheer fact that 75% of our staff are women. Upon further investigation, we realized that there were amazing initiatives that could help our staff grow as professionals while surrounded by a network of phenomenal women in our field. We are a young organization in that many of our staff are under the age of 35, so we loved that regardless of age or role, anyone can learn and also contribute their expertise.

    What inspires you in your work? 

    I am inspired every day by students who want to step outside of their comfort zone and immerse themselves in new cultures. They will be our next generation of leaders which is what inspires me to get as many students abroad as possible. I am also inspired by my partners at universities across the world, it never ceases to amaze me the innovative initiatives that they come up with to make international education more accessible.

    Which professional development experience/s have been most important to you in your career? 

    Early in my career, I was catapulted into a position where I was without a supervisor for a few months and had to figure things out with little guidance. I had an amazing support system within my organization, however, we were all learning how to do things in my particular department and I naturally made mistakes. In my opinion, there is no course or degree you can take that can prepare you as well as simply rolling up your sleeves and leaving all your fears behind. Mistakes are inevitable and it's how you grow - just don't make the same mistakes again! 

    What excites you most about the future of this field? 

    What excites me is that despite anti-globalization rhetoric, there remains a huge community of passionate people pushing for the internationalization of education across the world. I think there is still a lot of work to be done to make international education accessible and inclusive, but I am confident that we are on the right path. I am excited to see recent graduates get involved in the field so we can use their perspectives and technological/marketing expertise to get more students abroad.


Our members come from different backgrounds, abilities, levels of experience, and parts of the world. Our goal is to embrace this diversity and encourage relationships across generations and experience levels for the benefit of all involved. 

The Global Leadership League was started by a group of women in the field of international education for the purposes of advancing women’s leadership skills, knowledge, and connections.


Our Mission

The mission of the Global Leadership League is to ignite change across the global education field by empowering, connecting, and training leaders.  Become a Member