IN the vault with sophia Confidential
Dear Sophia,
I am our campus Senior International Officer, managing study abroad, international student services, partnership development, and campus internationalization. I hold a Director title (and salary); however, have much more (and growing) responsibility (as well as 24/7 on-call duties) than peers in my division.
How can I navigate a promotion request to accurately reflect my level of responsibility and duties? Such a promotion would break with a current structure that has existed for a very long time and I fear would not be received well despite my good work. However, I see this as an opportunity to step up, grow, show my value, and ask for a fair title and salary that reflects my role. I would love some feedback and direction.
Onward and Upward

Dear Onward and Upward,
You find yourself in a difficult but unfortunately not unusual position in international education. The more data you have to support your request, the better off you’ll be. If you have actual data showing that your salary and title are not in line with others on your campus with similar responsibility, experience, and background, that’s a great start! In addition, you can provide data on comparable roles at peer institutions.
The history and culture of your campus community may also be an obstacle. Try to align your request with other strategic priorities. Consider what dynamics may be at play if they promote you. Will your promotion be viewed as problematic to others at a similar level? Is campus leadership concerned about additional staff requests once you’re promoted? Are they unaware of how the office structure is hindering your institution’s ability to be effective in advancing international education?
An external reviewer may also be an option to make recommendations on staffing, structure, and operations; their report could make a difference to your administration.
At the end of the day, be sure to value your own worth, Taking the time to advocate for yourself and to improve your negotiation skills will be a critical component to a successful career. Check out The League’s webinar on negotiation skills to get ready: webinar recording.
Confidentially yours,